MCQ On The Living World


1. Which is not a category?

a) Asteraceae/Fabaceae

b) Species           

c) Phylum           

d) Class

2. Viral genome when incorporated and integrated with bacterial genome is referred as

a) Prophages     

b) DNA

c) RNA 

d) Both (a) and (c)

3. In angiosperms floral features are commonly used for identification, why?

a) Flower can be preserved easily

b) Flower are attractive to work with

c) Flower have aroma and different colour

d) Reproductive parts are more conservative

4. A place where dried, pressed and preserved plant specimens are kept

a) Herbarium     

b) Museum        

c) Botanical garden         

d) Both (a) and (c)

5. Which one is the important function of botanical garden?

a) Allow ex situ conservation of germplasm

b) Are place for recreation

c) Plant diversity can be observed

d) Provide natural habitat for wildlife

6. Select true statement from the following and choose the right answer from the option given below

I. Human’s scientific name is Homo sapiens

II. Genera Plantarum is written by John Ray

III. Highest taxonomic categories is division

IV. Taxonomic group of any rank is taxon

V. A group of closely related species of organism represent genus

VI. The term ‘systematic’ was coined by de Candolle

a) II, III, IV and VI             

b) I, III, V and VI

c) I, IV and V      

d) II, III and VI

7. Who has proposed five kingdom system of classification?

a) RH Whittaker

b) Simpson        

c) Haldane          

d) Bentham and Hooker

8. Which is the only kingdom occupied by BGA, nitrogen fixing bacteria and methanogenic bacteria in five kingdom classification?

a) Plantae           

b) Protista          

c) Monera

d) Fungi

9. Increase in body mass can be considered a criterion for growth

a) In living being               

b) Non-living being         

c) Both (a) and (b)           

d) None of these

10. Animal of the same phylum are grouped below. Choose the incorrect group from given below option

a) Shark, snake, whale, reptiles  

b) Insect, spider, shrimp

c) Snail, squid, slug          

d) Earthworm, millipede, leech

11. Among the following listed features, which is not a unique feature of living organisms?

a) Increase in size            

b) Response to stimuli

c) Self organisation         

d) Growth and reproduction

12. The concept of genus was proposed by

a) John Ray        

b) Tourne Fort   

c) Hooker

d) Bessey

13. Which one is the correct hierarchical order in Taxonomy?

a) Genus

b) Genusfamily

c) Species

d) Genus

14. What size of herbarium sheet and label is recommended generally?

a) 30×40 cm,6×12 cm

b) 29×41 cm,7×14 cm

c) 30×45 cm,7×12 cm

d) 20×30 cm,5×10 cm

15. Which one of the following taxonomic categories can categorized rest all others

a) Family             

b) Genus             

c) Class

d) Order

16. The number of species classified in “Species Plantarum” is

a) 5000

b) 6000

c) 4000

d) 3800

17. Which of the following set of organisms reproduce by fragmentation (asexual mode of reproduction)?

a) Amoeba, fungi and earthworm             

b) Fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses

c) Hydra, fungi, Amoeba and bacteria      

d) Earthworm, bacteria and fungi

18. Which one of the following is the feature of phylum-Chordata is also exhibited by adult tunicate?

a) Possession of visceral slits

b) Possession of a ventral chord

c) Possession of closed vascular system

d) Possession of ventral tubular nervous system

19. Who has proposed five kingdom system of classification?

a) RH Whittaker

b) Simpson        

c) Haldane          

d) Bentham and Hooker

20. The first phylogenetic system of plant classification was proposed by

a) Engler              

b) Engler and Prantl        

c) Eicher              

d) Bentham and Hooker

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