MCQ on Organisms & Populations
DPP-1 1. Pollination is an example of a) Mutualism b) Protocooperation c) SRead More…
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DPP-1 1. Pollination is an example of a) Mutualism b) Protocooperation c) SRead More…
DPP-1 1. Black-foot disease is caused due to groundwater contaminated with excess of a) Nitrate &nbsRead More…
DPP-1 1. The force responsible for fixing in population of neutral characteristics is a) Genetic drift b) Mutation c) ReproductioRead More…
DPP-2 1. Find out the correct statement I. Pills prevents ovulation of contraception technique II. Copper-T prevents implantation III. Read More…
DPP-1 MCQ on Reproductive Health 1. Amniocentesis is a technique to: a)Estimate essential amino acids in the body &Read More…
DPP-2 Mcq on Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 1. Ovule integument gets transformed into a) Seed b) Fruit wall &Read More…
DPP-1 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 1. Wind pollinated flowers are a) Small, brightlRead More…
DPP-1 MCQ on Human Reproduction MCQ on Human Reproduction 1. The part of fallopian tube closest to the ovary is a) Isthmus&nbRead More…
DPP-1 Inheritance 1. A condition characterized by not having an exact number of chromosomes in a multiple of haploid set is called a) PolyRead More…
Daily Practice Paper-1 Biodiversity 1. Which group of vertebrates comprises the highest number of endangered species?a) Reptiles Read More…