MCQ on Plant Kingdom
DPP-2 1. In gymnosperm dominant phase is a) Sporophyte b) Gametophyte &nbRead More…
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DPP-2 1. In gymnosperm dominant phase is a) Sporophyte b) Gametophyte &nbRead More…
DPP-3 1. Slimy mass of protoplasm with many nuclei and an Amoeba-like thalloid body is a characteristic feature of a) Ascomycetes b)Read More…
DPP-2 1. Which is correct for bacteria? a) They have both cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation b) They absorb light > 900 nm of wRead More…
DPP-5 1. Which is not a category? a) Asteraceae/Fabaceae b) Species cRead More…
DPP-4 1. Which is the only kingdom occupied by BGA, nitrogen fixing bacteria and methanogenic bacteria in five kingdom classification? a) PlaRead More…
DPP-3 1. Select true and false statement and choose correct answer from the option given below I. Taxon is a group of related organism II.Read More…
DPP-2 1. According to binomial nomenclature, scientific name of an organism consists of a) Generic name &nRead More…
DPP-1 1. In five kingdom classification the unicellular prokaryotic organisms were classified under kingdom a) Protista &nbsRead More…
Chapter-1:-The Living World DPP-1DPP-2DPP-3DPP-4DPP-5DPP-6DPP-7DPP-8DPP-9DPP-10 Chapter-2:-Biological Classification DPP-1DPP-2DPP-3DPP-4DPPRead More…
Daily question practice helps you to consolidate your knowledge and rehearse specific skills required in the examination. It also exposes you to diRead More…