MCQ on Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
DPP-2 Mcqs on Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 1. In sugarcane plant, 14 CO2 is fixed in a malic acid, in which the enzyme that fixes carbRead More…
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DPP-2 Mcqs on Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 1. In sugarcane plant, 14 CO2 is fixed in a malic acid, in which the enzyme that fixes carbRead More…
DPP-1 Mcq on REDOX REACTIONS Mcq on REDOX REACTIONS One important category of chemical reactions is redox reactions. Several phenomena, boRead More…
Daily Practice Paper-1 Biodiversity 1. Which group of vertebrates comprises the highest number of endangered species?a) Reptiles Read More…
DPP-1 MCQ on Photosynthesis MCQ on Photosynthesis MCQ on Photosynthesis Photosynthesis 1. If a chemical process is affected by more thanRead More…
EXERCISE-2 MCQ on Mendelism Gregor Johan Mendel 1.Two allelic genes are located on :(1) The same chromosome(2) Two homologous chromosomes(Read More…
EXERCISE(MCQ)-I Pisum Sativum MCQ on MENDELISM MCQ on MENDELISM MCQ on MENDELISM 1.Mendel formulated the law of purity of gametes on the Read More…
Introduction to Mole Concept Basics Chemistry deals with the composition, structure and properties of matter. These aspects can be best described Read More…
The Living World:- PLANT DIVERSITY MCQ EXERCISE-1 Eklabhya The living world :- Plant Diversity [ NOMENCLATURE & CLASSIFICATION ] Read More…
Basic Mathematics & Vector Chapter End Test Scalars Vs. Vectors :Physical quantities are divided into 2 categories(a) Scalar(b) VectorsScalarsRead More…
1. Single celled animals are said to be immortal because (a) they grow indefiniRead More…