(1) The amino acid derivative among the following hormone is :--(Page 340, XI NCERT)

1. Insulin
2. Epinephrine
3. Estradiol
4. Testosterone

(2) Which of the following statement is correct in relation to the endocrine system? (PAGE 331-332 and 339, XI NCERT)

1. Adenohypophysis is under direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus

2. Organs in the body like gastrointestinal tract. heart, kidney and liver do not produce any hormones

3. non-nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amount that act as intercellular messenger are known as hormones

4. Releasing and inhibitory hormones are produced by the pituitary gland

(3) Which of the following is incorrect about hormones (Refer NCERT, Heading 22.1, Para 1, Page 331)

1. Highly specific in nature

2. released into blood

3. nutrient chemicals

4. primary messenger

(4) How many of the following are peptide hormones?

Gastrin, Secretin, Cholecystokinin, Gastric inhibitory peptide, ANF, Erythropoietin (NCERT, Heading 22.3, page 339, All are peptide hormones)

1. 3

2. 4

3. 5

4. 6

(5) Select the true statement(s):
A. Growth factors are hormones secreted by several non-endocrine tissues.
B. Estradiol is synthesised and secreted mainly by growing ovarian follicles.
C. Catecholamines stimulate the breakdown of glycogen.
D. Adrenal cortex secretes androgen like hormone.( Page 336-339 XI NCERT)

1. B & C 

2. A, C & D

3. A, B, C, D 

4. B, C & D

(6) Some hormones can act on their target cells through second messengers. Identify the one that does not: (Page 340, XI NCERT)
1. cortisol
2. adrenaline
3. FSH
4. Calcitonin


(1) Which of the following types of hormones are released by Hypothalamus

(XI NCERT, page 332.)

1.  Releasing hormones

2.  Inhibitory hormones

3.  Both 1 and 2

4.  None of these

(2) Which of the following hormones stimulates the synthesis and secretion of steroid hormones from adrenal cortex (XI NCERT, page 333)

1. LH

2. FSH


4. MSH

(3) Which of the following endocrine glands is under the direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus? (NCERT XI, Page 332)
1. Pineal
2. Thymus
3. Posterior pituitary
4. Adrenal medulla

(4) GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in reproduction, acts on (PAGE 332-333, XI NCERT)

1. anterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and oxytocin

2. anterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and FSH

3. posterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of oxytocin and FSH

4. posterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and relaxin

(5) Which of the following hormone is formed in the hypothalamus? (Page 333, XI NCERT)

1. Adrenalin

2. Oxytocin

3. Insulin

4. Thyroxine

(6) What is the effect of GnRH produced by hypothalamus? (PAGE 332-333, XI NCERT)
1. Stimulates the synthesis and secretion of androgens
2. Stimulates secretion of milk in mammary glands
3. Stimulates foetal ejection reflex
4. Stimulates synthesis of carbohydrates from non-carbohydrates in liver

(7) Adenohypophysis in humans consists of:

1. Pars distalis and Pars nervosa

2. Pars intermedia and Pars distalis

3. Pars nervosa and Pars intermedia

4. Anterior and posterior pituitary.

(8) Group of neurosecretory cells found in hypothalamus is known as

(Refer XI NCERT, page 332)

1.  ganglia

2.  nuclei

3.  Tract

4.  nerve

(9) Which of the following is not a correct combination of the hormone with its source organ and target organ? (Page 338, XI NCERT)

HormoneSource organTarget organ
4.ACTHPituitary glandAdrenal cortex

(10) Which one of the following hormones though synthesised elsewhere, is stored and

released by the master gland? (PAGE 333-334, XI NCERT)

1. Antidiuretic hormone

2. Luteinizing hormone

3. Prolactin

4. Melanocyte stimulating hormone

(11) ACTH controls the secretion of: (Page 333 and 337, XI NCERT)
1. cortisol
2. aldosterone
3. epinephrine
4 testosterone

(12) How many of the following hormones are secreted by Anterior Pituitary?

GH, PRL, TSH, ACTH, LH, FSH, Oxytocin and vasopressin (NCERT, page 333)

1. 9

2. 8

3. 6

4. 7

(13) Adenohypophysis is an endocrine gland that secretes all of the following except:

(Section-22.2.2, Page 333, XI NCERT)
1. corticotropin
2. luteinizing hormone
3. somatostatin
4. Somatotropin

(14) How many hormones in the given list are not produced by the anterior pituitary?
Prolactin(PRL), growth hormone(GH), Oxytocin, Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH), vasopressin, somatostatin, and Gonadotrophin releasing hormone(GnRH).
(Page 333, XI NCERT)

1. 6

2. 5

3. 4

4. 3

(15) MSH is secreted by : (Page 333, XI NCERT)
1. Anteria lobe of pituitary
2. Middle lobe of pituitary
3. Posteria lobe of pituitary
4. Endostyle

(16) Find out the correct match for the following table. ( Page 334, 335)

Column-l                  Column-ll                   Column-lll

(i) Pituitary gland         Growth hormone     Acromegaly

(ii) Thyroid gland         Thyroxine                Exophthalmic goitre

(iii) Pituitary gland       ADH                       Diabetes mellitus

1. (i) only 

2. (i) and (ii) 

3. (i) and (iii)

4. (ii) and (iii) 

(17) Diseases caused due to insufficiency of hormones include all except (Page 334-336, XI NCERT)

(1) Cushing’s disease

(2) Addison’s disease

(3) Cretinism

(4) Diabetes insipidus


Prolactin & Posterior Pituitary

(1) How many of the following hormones are secreted by posterior pituitary?

GH, PRL, TSH, ACTH, LH, FSH, MSH, Oxytocin and vasopressin (XI NCERT, page 333)

1. 2

2. 4

3. 1

4. 6

(2) In human adult females, oxytocin (PAGE 333-334, XI NCERT)

1. is secreted by anterior pitutiary

2. Stimulates growth of mammary glands

3. Stimulates pitutary to secrete vasopressin 

4. causes strong uterine contractions during parturition 

(3) Which of the following hormones is responsible for both the milk ejection reflex and the foetal ejection reflex? (Page 334, XI NCERT)

1. Estrogen

2. Prolactin

3. Oxytocin

4. Relaxin

(4) All the following are secreted by the anterior pituitary except:-
(Page 333, XI NCERT )

1. Prolactin

2. Somatotropin

3. Vasopressin

4. Gonadotropins

(5) A person passes a lot of dilute urine and drinks a lot of water but does not have glycosuria. He is most likely suffering from : (Page 334, XI NCERT)

1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus

2. Type 2 diabetes mellitus

3. Pituitary diabetes

4. Diabetes insipidus

(6) Which of the following is a storage and release center for neurohormones? (Page 333, XI NCERT)
1. Anterior pituitary
2. Posterior pituitary
3. Adrenal medulla
4. Pineal

(7) Oxytocin helps in  (NCERT Page 334)

1. Ovulation

2. Lactation but not childbirth

3. Childbirth but not lactation

4. Lactation and Childbirth both

(8) Which one of the following hormones is not involved in sugar metabolism? (PAGE 336-337, XI NCERT)

1. Cortisone

2. Aldosterone

3. Insulin

4. Glucagon

(9) Select the incorrect match of a hormone, its source, and function

(Para 1, Page 333, XI NCERT)

1. OxytocinHypothalamusMilk ejection
2. VasopressinPosterior pituitaryReabsorption of water from the nephric filtrate
3. CortisolAdrenal cortexAnti-inflammatory
4. AdrenalineAdrenal medullaIncreases Blood pressure and heart rate

(10) Consider the following four statement (a-d). and select the option which includes all the correct ones only. (Page 334, XI NCERT)

(a) Pineal gland is situated on the ventral side of forebrain.

(b) Corpus luteum is formed after ovulation and its formation is induced by LH.

(c) In female, oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterus at the time of childbirth and milk ejection from mammary body.

(d) Pituitary gland is located in a bony cavity called sella turcica

1. Statements (a), (b) and (d)

2. Statements (b) or (d) 

3. Statement (a), (c) and (d)

4. Statement (b), (c) and (d)


(1) Select the answer which correctly matches the endocrine gland with the hormone it secretes and its function/deficiency symptom: 

 Endocrine gland Hormone Function/deficiency symptom
  (1) Posterior Pituitary Growth Hormone (GH) Oversecretion stimulates abnormal growth
 (2) Thyroid gland Thyroxine Lack of iodine in diet results in goitre
 (3) Corpus luteum Testosterone Stimulates spermatogenesis
 (4)  Anterior pituitary oxytocin Stimulates uterus contraction during child birth

1. (1)

2. (2)

3. (3)

4. (4)

(2) Thyroxine controls the metabolism of the following Macromolecules except (XI NCERT, page 335)

1. Carbohydrates

2. Fats

3. Proteins

4. Nucleic acids

(3) Which of the following conditions is not linked to thyroid hormone? (Page 334, 335, XI NCERT)
1. Cretinism
2. Goitre
3. Osteomalacia
4. Exophthalmic goitre

(4) Which of the following is likely to develop goitre? (Page 334, XI NCERT)

1. Thyroid gland that is producing too much parathormone

2. Circulating levels of thyrotropin are too low

3. There is an inadequate supply of iodine

4. The diet contains too much iodine

(5) Which of the following hormone regulates BMR of the body? (XI NCERT, page 334-335)

1. Thyroxine

2. Thyrocalcitonin

3. Adrenaline

4. Both 2. and 3.

(6) A pregnant female delivers a baby who suffers from stunted growth, mental retardation/low intelligence quotient and abnormal skin. This is the result of (PAGE 334-335, XI NCERT)
1. Low secretion of growth hormone
2. Cancer of the thyroid gland
3. Over secretion of pars distalis
4. Deficiency of iodine in diet

(7) A child, with stunted growth, mental retardation, low IQ, and deaf- mutism, is having these conditions because of (XI NCERT, page 334-335)

1. hyperthyroidism

2. hypothyroidism

3. Cancer of thyroid gland

4. all of these

(8) Graves disease is caused due to? (PAGE 335, XI NCERT)
1. hyposecretion of thyroid gland
2. hypersecretion of thyroid gland
3. hyposecretion of adrenal gland
4. hypersecretion of adrenal gland

(9) A person who has enlarged thyroid gland, protruded eye balls, increased BMR and weight loss is suffering from ( XI NCERT, page 335)

(1) Exopthalmic goitre

(2) Graves’ disease

(3) Both 1 and 2

(4) Addison disease

(10) A man is having tumor in thyroid gland which adversely affects the body physiology, this is because of ( XI NCERT, page 335)

(1) hyperthyroidism

(2) hypothyroidism

(3) Both 1. and 2.

(4) None of these

(11) Dwarfism, pot belly and deaf-mutism are seen in which disease ? (Page 334-335, XI NCERT)

1. Myxoedema

2. Cretinism

3. Grave's disease

4. Basedow's disease

(12) Function of thyrocalcitonin :  (Page 342, XI NCERT)
1.  To reduce the calcium level in blood
2.  To increase the calcium level in blood
3.  Oppose the action of thyroxine
4.  Maturation of gonads

(13) Which hormone regulates the calcium level in our body?  (XI NCERT, page 335)

1. Thyrocalcitonin

2. Parathyroid hormone

3. Thyroxine

4. Both 1 and 2

(14) Match the follwing columns and select the correct option. ( Page 334-336, 338 XI NCERT)

Column IColumn II
(a)Pituitary gland(i)Grave's disease 
(b)Thyroid gland (ii)Diabetes mellitus 
(c)Adrenal gland(iii)Diabetes insipidus
(d)Pancreas     (iv)Addison's disease 

(1) Which of the following is true about catecholamines (NCERT, page 336)

1. Increase heartbeat

2. cause goose bumps

3. Pupilary dilation

4. All of these

(2) Mary is about to face and interview. But during first five minutes before the interview, she experiences sweating, increased rate of heart beat, respiration etc. Which hormone is responsible for her restlessness? (Page 336, XI NCERT)

1. Prostaglandins and Vasopressin

2. Epinephrine and Cortisol

3. Adrenaline and Norepinephrine

4. Insulin and Thyroxine

(3) Feeling the tremor of an earthquake a scared resident of seventh floor of a multistoryed
building starts climbing down the stairs rapidly. Which hormone initiated this action?

1. Thyroxine

2. Adrenaline

3. Glucagon 

4. Gastrin

(4) Fight - or - flight reaction cause activation of :(PAGE 336, XI NCERT)

1.the parathyroid glands, leading to increased metabolic rate.
2.the kidney, leading to suppression of rennin angiotensin-aldosterone pathway.
3.the adrenal medulla, leading to increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrene
4.the pancreas leading to a reduction in the blood sugar levels.

(5)  The centrally located tissues of the adrenal gland are called  (NCERT, page 336)

1. adrenal cortex

2. Adrenal medulla

3. adrenal mediastinum

4. None of these

(6) A rise in a heartbeat, increase in the cardiac output, blood pressure and blood sugar occurs during an emergency, by the hormone (PAGE 336-337, XI NCERT)

1.  Aldosterone

2.  Antidiuretic hormone

3.  Epinephrine

4.  Oxytocin 

(7) Catecholamine in a normal person induces (Page 336, XI NCERT)

1. intense salivation
2. alertness
3. decrease in heart beat
4. excessive urination

(8) Select the correct matching of a hormone, its source and its function –  (Page 333-337, XI NCERT)

Adrenal medullaIncreases heartbeat,
rate of respiration and
alert ness
2.GlucagonBeta-cells of
Islets of
Regulates growth of
mammary glands and
milk formation in
4. VasopressinPosterior
Increases loss of
water through urine

(9) Injury to adrenal cortex is not likely to affect the secretion of which one of the following?
1. Aldosterone
2. Both androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone
3. Adrenalin
4. Cortisol

(10) Which hormone causes dilation of blood vessels, increased oxygen consumption and gluco-genesis ?

2. Insulin
3. Adrenalin
4. Glucagon

(11) Which of the following is incorrect about catecholamines  ( NCERT, page 336-337)

1. increase in glucose concentration blood

2. stimulate lipids and fats breakdown

3. increase in glucose concentration in cells

4. All of these

(12) Adrenalin direct affect on: -  (Page 336, XI NCERT)
1. S.A. Node
2. β-cells of Langerhans
3. Dorsal root of spinal cord
4. Epithelial cells of stomach

(13) Sugar metabolisms, sex corticoids, salt retaining & stress management hormones releases from :-  (Fig.22.4 Page 336-337, XI NCERT)

1. Only A

2. Only B

3. A & B

4. A, B & C

(14) Select the true statement(s):     (Page 336-339 XI NCERT)
A. Growth factors are hormones secreted by several non-endocrine tissues.
B. Estradiol is synthesised and secreted mainly by growing ovarian follicles.
C. Catecholamines stimulate the breakdown of glycogen.
D. Adrenal cortex secretes androgen like hormone.

1. B & C 

2. A, C & D

3. A, B, C, D 

4. B, C & D

(15) Which of the following is responsible for hyperglycemia ( XI NCERT, Heading 22.2.8 Para 1 page 336-337)

(1) Glucagon

(2) Glucocorticoids

(3) Catecholamines

(4) All of the above


(1) Which of the following hormone regulates sleep-wake cycle?  (XI NCERT, page 334)

1. Melatonin

2. Thyroxine

3. Vasopressin

4. MSH

(2) Which of the following is true about melatonin? (XI NCERT, page 334)

1. It influences metabolism

2. It influences pigmentation

3. It influences menstrual cycle

4. All of these

(3) Which of the following endocrine gland secretes melatonin (XI NCERT, page 334)

1. Pituitary gland

2. Pineal gland

3. Hypothalamus

4. Thymus

(4) Artificial light, extended work-time and reduced sleep-time disrupt the activity of

1. Thymus gland

2. Pineal gland

3. Adrenal gland

4. Posterior pituitary gland

(5) Consider the following four statement (a-d). and select the option which includes all the correct ones only.  (page 334, XI NCERT)

(a) Pineal gland is situated on the ventral side of forebrain.

(b) Corpus luteum is formed after ovulation and its formation is induced by LH.

(c) In female, oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterus at the time of childbirth and milk ejection from mammary body.

(d) Pituitary gland is located in a bony cavity called sella turcica

1. Statements (a), (b) and (d)

2. Statements (b) or (d) 

3. Statement (a), (c) and (d)

4. Statement (b), (c) and (d)


(1) The atrial wall of our heart secretes a very important peptide hormone called______, which_____ because it causes dilation of the blood vessels. Choose the option which correctly fills the blank. (Page 339, XI NCERT)

1. Rennin, increases the blood pressure

2. Angiotensinogen, decreases the blood pressure

3. Atrial natriuretic factor, increases the blood pressure

4. Atrial natriuretic factor, decreases the blood pressure

(2) Which of the following is the effect of the hormone secreted by the Heart? (NCERT, Heading 22.3 para1, page 339)

1. Dilation of blood vessels

2. Decrease blood pressure

3. Both 1 and 2

4. constriction of blood vessels

(3) Consider the following four statement (a-d). and select the option which includes all the correct ones only. (page 334, XI NCERT)

(a) Pineal gland is situated on the ventral side of forebrain.

(b) Corpus luteum is formed after ovulation and its formation is induced by LH.

(c) In female, oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterus at the time of childbirth and milk ejection from mammary body.

(d) Pituitary gland is located in a bony cavity called sella turcica

1. Statements (a), (b) and (d)

2. Statements (b) or (d) 

3. Statement (a), (c) and (d)

4. Statement (b), (c) and (d)

(4) Select the true statement(s): (Page 336-339 XI NCERT)
A. Growth factors are hormones secreted by several non-endocrine tissues.
B. Estradiol is synthesised and secreted mainly by growing ovarian follicles.
C. Catecholamines stimulate the breakdown of glycogen.
D. Adrenal cortex secretes androgen like hormone.

1. B & C 

2. A, C & D

3. A, B, C, D 

4. B, C & D

(5) The hormones from the heart, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract respectively are:  (Page 339, XI NCERT)

1. ANF, Rennin, Trypsin
2. ADH, Renin, GIP
3. ANF, Erythropoietin, CCK
4. GIP, CCK, Renin


Gonadotropin & Gonadal Hormones

(1) Which of the following is true about estrogen ( NCERT, Heading 22.2.10 Para 1 page 338-339)

1. responsible for high pitch of voice

2. regulate female sexual behaviour

3. regulate growth of female secondary sex organs

4. All of these

(2) Which of the following is true about testosterone (NCERT, Heading 22.2.9 Para 1 page 338)

(1) regulate accessory sex organs development

(2) stimulate muscular growth

(3) responsible for low pitch voice

(4) All of the above

(3) Which of the following is a temporary endocrine gland in the human body?(PAGE 338, XI NCERT)

1. pineal gland   

2. corpus cardiacum

3. corpus Luteum

4. corpus allatum

(4) Which of the following is an ovarian hormone

(1) estrogen

(2) Progesterone

(3) Inhibin

(4) All of these

(5) Which of the following is true about progesterone (NCERT, Heading 22.2.10 Para 2 page 339)

(1) Supports pregnancy

(2) Stimulates the formation of alveoli in breast

(3) stimulates milk secretion

(4) All of these

(6) Which of the following is not true about testosterone (NCERT, Heading 22.2.9 Para 2 page 338)

(1) stimulates spermatogenesis

(2) influence libido

(3) Catabolic effects on protein metabolism

(4) responsible for aggressiveness in male

(7) The development of secondary sexual characters in females is primarily controlled by: (Page 338-339, XI NCERT )
1. Estrogen
2. Progesterone
3. LH
4. FSH

(8) Which of the following  hormone is called pregnancy hormone

(NCERT, Heading 22.2.10 Para 1 page 339)

(1) Estrogen

(2) Progesterone

(3) Oxytocin

(4) All of the above

(9) Androgens are secreted by (PAGE 337-338 XI NCERT)

(1) Interstitial cells

(2) Seminiferous tubules

(3) Adrenal cortex

(4) Both 1 and 3

(10) Which of the following hormone induce ovulation and maintains corpus luteum? (Refer XI NCERT, page 333)

1. FSH

2. LH

3. Both A and B

4. Estrogen

(11) Spermatogenesis takes place in

(1) Interstitial cells

(2) Leydig cells

(3) Stromal tissues

(4) None of these

(12) Given ahead is an incomplete table about certain hormones, their source glands and one major effect of each on the body in humans. Identify the correct option for the three blanks A, B and C.

(PAGE 333-337, XI NCERT)

GlandSecretionEffect on body
A   Alpha cells of islets of     Langerhans Anterior pituitary

Oestrogen   B
Maintenance of secondary sexual characters Raises blood sugar level

Over secretion leads to gigantism

Options :

      A                B                 C

1. Placenta  Insulin         Vasopressin
2. Ovary     Insulin         Calcitonin      
3. Placenta  Glucagon     Calcitonin
4. Ovary     Glucagon     Growth hormone

(13) Which of the following is maintained by aldosterone

1. Body fluid volume

2. Osmotic pressure

3. Blood pressure

4. All of these

(14) Which of the following is the outermost layer of the adrenal cortex?

1. Zona glomerulosa

2. Zona reticularis

3. Zona fasciculata

4. Adrenal medulla

(15) Which one influences the activity of the kidney?

1. Vasopressin

2. Thyroxine

3. Vasopressin and aldosterone

4. Gonadotrophin

(16) Which of the following is incorrect about the adrenal gland

1. Located on the posterior part of the kidney

2. located on anterior part of the kidney

3. 2 in number

4. composed of 2 types of tissues

(17) Which of the following is the inner layer of the adrenal cortex?

1. Zona glomerulosa

2. Zona reticularis

3. Zona fasciculata

4. Adrenal medulla

(18) Which of the following is responsible for the growth of axial hair, facial hair during puberty in females?

1. Androgens

2. Aldosterone

3. Adrenaline

4. All of these

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