MCQ on Anatomy Of Flowering Plants    


1. Intrafascicular cambium is present in between the

a) Primary xylem and secondary xylem   

b) Secondary phloem and primary xylem

c) Primary xylem and secondary phloem

d) Primary xylem and secondary phloem

2. In dicotyledonous roots, the initiation of lateral roots takes place in

a) Endodermal cells        

b) Cortical cells 

c) Epidermal cells             

d) Pericycle cells

3. The roots of angiosperms show exarch xylem and their stems have endarch bundles. These are continuous throughout the change occurs in

a) Epicotyl region             

b) Hypocotyl region        

c) Upper part of root      

d) Lower part of stem

4. The stele found in monocot is

a) Haplostele     

b) Atactostele   

c) Dictyostele    

d) Actinostele

5. Largest number of chloroplast is found in

a) Palisade tissue             

b) Spongy tissue              

c) Transfusion tissue       

d) Bundle sheath cells

6. Ground tissue includes

a) All tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles

b) Epidermis and cortex

c) All tissues internal to endodermis

d) All tissues external to endodermis

7. Cambium is present in between

a) Phloem and xylem      

b) Permanent mature cells

c) Collenchyma and sclerenchyma            

d) Collenchyma and parenchyma

8. All the following statements regarding sieve tube elements are true except

a) Their end walls have perforated sieve plates which become impregnated with lignin at maturity

b) They possess peripheral cytoplasm as well as a large vacuole

c) Distinct proteinaceous inclusions, the P-proteins are seen evenly distributed throughout the lumen

d) Long, slender, tube-like structures arranged in longitudinal series

9. ‘Exarch’ is the condition of vascular bundles in which

a) Protoxylem lies toward the outside and metaxylem lies inward              

b) Metaxylem lies toward the outside and protoxylem lies inward

c) Metaxylem lies toward the lateral side and protoxylem lies inward        

d) Protoxylem lies toward the lateral side and metaxylem lies inward

MCQ on Anatomy of Flowering Plant

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10. Select the correct statements

I. Epidermal call have small amount of cytoplasm and a large vacuole

II. Waxy layer cuticle is absent in roots

III. Root hairs are unicellular, while stem hairs/trichomes are multicellular

IV. Trichomes are branched/unbranched, soft/stiff and secretory or transpiration preventive

V. Guard cells are dum-bell-shaped in dicots and bean-shaped in monocots (e.g., grass)

a) All except I and II        

b) All except III

c) All except II and IV      

d) All except IV

11. In dicot root, the vascular cambium are

a) Completely secondary in origin

b) Completely primary in origin

c) Secondary as well as primary in origin

d) Does not exist

12. I. Annual rigs are formed as a result of seasonal environmental conditions

II. Tracheids/vessels elements are larger during periods when water is abundant

III. Tracheids/vessels elements have thicker wall during periods of water deprivation

IV. Wood formed in the previous years is darker than newer wood

Select the combination of correct statements from the options given below

a) I and II            

b) II and IV         

c) I, II and III       

d) II, III and IV

13. Select the incorrect statements

I. Excessive loss of water is prevented by epidermis

II. Stomata develop from epidermal tissue

III. Photosynthesis is one of the primary function of leaf ground tissue

a) I and II            

b) II and III

c) III and I            

d) None of the above

14.Which element of xylem is the characteristic feature of angiosperms?

a) Tracheids       

b) Phloem          

c) Vessels            

d) Xylem fibre

15. As compared to the dicot root, monocotyledon root have

a) More xylem bundles 

b) More phloem bundles

c) Less phloem bundles 

d) Less xylem bundles

16. The function of a vessel is conduction of

a) Food

b) Water and minerals   

c) Hormones     

d) All of these

17. Complex tissue includes

a) Collenchyma

b) Apical meristem          

c) Conducting tissue       

d) Idioblast

18. Identify the types of simple tissue given in the diagram A,B and C

 a) A-Parenchyma, B-Sclerenchyma, C-Collenchyma

b) A-Parenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Sclerenchyma

c) A-Sclerenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Parenchyma

d) A-Sclerenchyma, B-Parenchyma, C-Collenchyma

19. In the diagram of TS of stele of dicot root, the different parts have been indicated by alphabets, choose the answer in which these alphabets correctly match with the parts they indicate.

a) Endodermis, B- Conjuctive tissue, C- Metaxylem,   D- Protoxylem, E- Phloem, F- Pith

b) Endodermis, B- Pith, C- Protoxylem, D- Metaxylem, E- Phloem, F- Conjuctive tissue

c) Pericycle, B- Conjuctive tissue, C- Metaxylem, D- Protoxylem, E- Phloem, F- Pith

d) Endodermis, B- Conjuctive tissue, C- Protoxylem, D- Metaxylem E- Phloem, F- Pith        

20. The layer of cells outside the phloem meant for giving rise to the root branches is called

a) Cambium       

b) Carpus            

c) Endodermis  

d) Pericycle

1             (c)

In dicot stems, the cells of cambium present between primary xylem and primary phloem are intrafascicular cambium. The cells of medullary cells, adjoining these intrafascicular cambium becomes meristematic and form the interfascicular cambium. Thus, a continuous ring of cambium is formed

2             (d)

In dicotyledonous roots, initiation of lateral roots and vascular cambium during the secondary growth take place in pericycle cells.

3             (b)

Root stem transition occurs in hypocotyl region of axis.

4             (b)

Monocots have atactostele, in which vascular bundles are arranged into more than one ring and they are usually found at the centre of stem.

5             (a)

The leaves of dicot plants are anatomically differentiated into epidermis, mesophyll tissue and vascular bundles. Mesophyll tissue is divided into upper palisade tissue, consisting of closely arranged cells with numerous chloroplasts and lower spongy tissue, which consists of loosely arranged cells separated by large air spaces. The cells of spongy tissue have fewer chloroplasts, hence most of the photosynthesis occur in palisade tissue.

6             (a)

All tissues except epidermis and vascular bundles constitute the ground tissue or fundamental tissue. It consists of simple tissues such as parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerencyma. Ground tissue includes cortex, pericycle, medullary rays. In leaves the ground tissue consists of mesophyll.

7             (a)

In monocotyledons, the vascular bundles have no cambium present in them. Hence, they don’t form secondary tissue and referred to as closed vascular bundles. Generally, monocotyledons have the closed vascular bundles

8             (a)

Sieve tubes are elongated tubular conducting channels of phloem. Each sieve tube is formed of several cells called sieve tube members, sieve tube cells or sieve elements. Sieve tube members are placed end to end. The end walls are generally bulged out. They may be transverse or oblique. They have many small pores or sieve pits. Each sieve pore is lined by a layer of callose. Due to the presence of sieve pits. The end walls are commonly called sieve plates

9             (a)

Exarch It is the condition of vascular bundles in which the protoxylem

(earlier formed xylem) lies toward the outside and metaxylem (later formed xylem) lies toward inward

Endarch It is the condition of vascular bundles in which the protoxylem (earlier formed xylem) lies toward the inner side and metaxylem (later formed xylem) lies outside

10           (d)

All except IV.

Epidermal cells are elongated compactly arranged and form continuous layer called epidermis. Stomata are present in epidermis of leaves and regulate process of transpiration and gaseous exchange. The epidermal hairs, i.e., root hairs, unicellular elongations and trichomes, multicellular elongation of epidermis on root and shoot helps in absorbing water and preventing water loss, respectively.

All of these.

The outside of the epidermis is often covered with waxy thick layer called cuticle, which prevents the loss of water. Cuticle is absent in roots.

In grasses (monocotyledons), the guard cells are dumb-bell shaped and in dicotyledonous (bean, castor, pea), the guard cells are bean or kidney-shaped

11           (a)

In dicot root, the vascular cambium is completely secondary in origin. It originates from the tissue located just below the phloem bundles, i.e., portion of pericycle tissue

12           (c)

In the formation, the heart wood and sap wood,. it is not necessarily that the wood formed in previous years is darker than newer wood

13           (d)

Under extremely dry conditions, the cuticle is reinforce by a layer of wax. This wax checks the excessive loss of water from the epidermal layer

The epidermis of aerial parts usually bears a number or minute pores called stomata. Each stomata performs the gaseous exchange in plants

Ground tissue system of leaves is called mesophyll. Mesophyll is made up of two types of photosynthetic cells, palisade and spongy

14           (c)

Vessel is a long cylindrical tube-like structure made up of many cells called vessel members, each with lignified walls and a large central cavity. The vessel cells are also devoid of protoplasm. Vessel members are interconnected through perforations in their common walls. The presence of vessels is a characteristic feature of angiosperms

15           (a)

The anatomy of the monocot root is similar to the dicot root in many respects. It has epidermis, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, vascular bundles and pith. As compared to the dicot root, which have fewer xylem bundles, there are usually more than six (polyarch) xylem bundles in the monocot root. Pith is large and well-developed. Monocotyledonous roots do not undergo any secondary growth

16           (b)

Vessels are long, tubular having lignified cell wall and are components of xylem tissue. The cross wall (end wall) at both the ends of vessels, dissolves and form a pipe-like channel.

They functions in ascent of sap in angiosperms.

Conduction of food materials occurs through the sieve tubes, which are cellulosic, thin-walled and are component of phloem tissues.

17           (c)

Idioblast (modified parenchyma cells) and collenchyma are simple permanent tissue and apical meristems are simple meristematic tissue. Conducting tissues (i.e., xylem and phloem) are complex conducting tissue made up of different types of cells.

18           (b)

A–parenchyma, B–collenchyma, C–sclerenchyma

19           (d)

A-Endodermis  B-Conjuctive tissue  C-Protoxylem   D-Metaxylem  E-Phloem  F-Pith

20           (d)

Pericycle is the external layer of stele. It forms a single layer between endodermis and conducting tissues. The roots or root branches are produced endogenously from the pericycle.

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