MCQ On Anatomy Of Flowering Plants    


MCQ on Anatomy Of Flowering Plants 

1. Identify A to E in the given diagram and choose the correct option

 a) A-Collenchyma, B-Sclerenchyma, C-Cambium, D-Protoxylem, E-Pith

b) A-Sclerenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Cambium, D-Protoxylem, E-Pith

c) A-Parenchyma, B-Collenchyma, C-Cambium, D-Protoxylem, E-Pith

d) A-Collenchyma, B-Parenchyma, C-Cambium, D-Protoxylem, E-Pith

2. Lateral roots develop from primordia originated by the division of

a) Pericycle cells lying opposite to protoxylem points

b) Pericycle cells lying between two protoxylem points

c) Endodermal cells lying between two protoxylem points

d) Endodermal cells lying opposite to protoxylem points

3. Companion cells in plants are associated with

a) Vessels            

b) Sperms           

c) Sieve elements             

d) Guard cells

4. Science, which deals with the study of ageing is known as

a) Teratology     

b) Gerontology 

c) Limnology      

d) Palaeontology

5. The term leptome is used for

a) Xylem              

b) Phloem          

c) Endodermis  

d) Pericycle

6. Grass elongates after cutting (moving) due to

a) Primary meristem      

b) Secondary meristem

c) Apical meristem          

d) Intercalary meristem

7. Which of the following would be in significant amount in xylem sap?

a) Sugar               

b) Nitrates          

c) Phosphates   

d) Water

8. The secondary meristem initiates

a) Basal growth

b) Transverse growth     

c) Radial growth              

d) Vertical growth

9. Xylem fibres are made up of

a) Sclerenchyma cells with thin walls

b) Sclerenchyma cells with thick wall

c) Parenchyma cells with thin wall

d) Sclerenchyma cells with no obliteration in central lumen

MCQ on Anatomy Of Flowering Plants    

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10. Removal of ringwood of tissue outside the vascular cambium from the tree trunk kills it because

a) Water cannot move up

b) Food does not travel down and root become starved

c) Shoot become starved

d) Annual rings are not produced

11. Prickles

I. don’t have vascular supply

II. are epidermal in origin

III. help in climbing

Select the right combination of statements from the given options

a) I and II            

b) II and III          

c) I and III           

d) I, II and III

12. Which one of the following is well-developed present in hydrophytes?

a) Aerenchyma 

b) Collenchyma

c) Stomata         

d) Root system

13. In dicot stem, secondary growth is due to the activity of

a) Apical meristem          

b) Lateral meristem        

c) Cork 

d) Bark

14. The meristem responsible for extra stelar secondary growth in dicot stem is

a) Interfascicular cambium          

b) Intrafascicular cambium

c) Intercalary meristem 

d) Phellogen

15. Casparian thickenings are found in the cells of

a) Pericycle of the root  

b) Endodermis of the root

c) Pericycle of the stem 

d) Endodermis of the stem

16. In the given TS of monocot leaf, identify A to E. Choose the correct option

 a) A-Abaxial epidermis, B-Xylem, C-Mesophyll, D-Adaxial epidermis, E-Phloem    

b) A-Abaxial epidermis, B-Phloem, C-Mesophyll, D-Adaxial epidermis, E-Xylem

c) A-Adaxial epidermis, B-Phloem, C-Mesophyll, D-Abaxial epidermis, E-Xylem      

d) A-Adaxial epidermis, B-Xylem, C-Mesophyll, D-Abaxial epidermis, E-Phloem

17. Length of petiole increases due to division of

a) Apical meristem          

b) Lateral meristem        

c) Intercalary meristem 

d) All of these

18. Phytotron is

a) A controlled condition chamber for tissue        

b) Leaf culture process

c) Special culture of plants           

d) Root culture process

19.  The tissue which perpetuates itself by active cell division is

a) Permanent tissue       

b) Ground tissue              

c) Meristematic tissue   

d) Vascular tissue

20. Amphivasal vascular bundle possess

a) Xylem around phloem

b) Phloem around xylem

c) Phloem on both sides of xylem

d) Phloem towards center and xylem towards periphery

1             (d)

T.S. of dicot root (A-collenchyma, B-parenchyma, C-cambium, D-protoxylem, E-pith)

2             (b)

Root is that part of plant body which grow and down into earth. The primary roots develop from radicle and gives secondary and tertiarg roots. Lateral roots develop endogenously i.e., from pericycle.

3             (c)

Companion cell is a thin-walled elongated cell, which is associated with sieve tube. The sieve tube elements lack nucleus, they remain living being dependents upon the adjacent companion cell nucleus.

4             (b)

Gerontology is the study of ageing and senescence.

5             (b)

The term leptome is used for soft-walled conducting part of the phloem; it includes sieve elements, companion cells and parenchyma cells.

6             (d)

Intercalary meristem.

The meristem which occurs between mature tissues is known as intercalary meristem. They occurs is grass and regenerate the parts removed by grazing herbivores

7             (a)

In plants, xylem conducts the water and minerals. Thus, in xylem sap, sugar would be in significant amount.

8             (c)

The secondary meristem initiates radial growth.

9             (b)

Xylem or Wood fibres They are sclerenchymatous fibres associated with xylem. Xylem fibres are mainly mechanical in function.

Xylem fibres have highly thickened walls and obliterate central lumens. These may either be septate or aseptate

10           (b)

Vascular cambium forms phloem tissue outside. Food synthesised in the leaves move to different parts of the plant through the phloem.

11           (b)

Prickles are the example of emergences. These are multicellular epidermal sharp and stiff outgrowth, which do not have vascular supply. They protect the plant from excessive transpiration, grating animals and in some, helps the plant in climbing

12           (a)

The cortex of hydrophytes is well developed. Major portion of it is occupied by well-developed prominent air cavity called aerenchyma, which increase buoyancy and allows a rapid gaseous exchange.

13           (b)

In a dicot stem, secondary growth occurs due to lateral meristem.

14           (d)

Cork cambium or phellogen is a lateral meristem as it is responsible for increase in the thickness of stem. It is secondary in origin and function. It gives rise to secondary tissues like cork and secondary cortex.

15           (b)

Endodermis is innermost distinct layer of cortex. The endodermis is uniseriate and almost universally present in the roots. The cells of endodermis are living and characterized by presence of Casparian strips or Casparian bands on their anticlinal walls. The strip is formed during the early ontogeny of the cell and is a part of primary wall. The strip is typically located close to the inner tangential wall. Thin-walled passage cells are also found in the endodermal layer, which lie against the protoxylem poles.

16           (d)

T.S of monocot leaf. In monocot leaf the adaxial and abaxial both surfaces same and equally receive sunlight

17           (c)

The intercalary meristems are responsible for localised growth. Perhaps they have been detached from the mother meristem, e.g., meristem present at the base of leaves in many monocots, in the internode of grasses, at the top of peduncles of Plantago and Taraxacum, etc.

18           (a)

Phytotron is a device or chamber, in which plants can be grown under controlled conditions.

19           (c)

Meristematic tissue is a group of cells specialized for the production of new cells, i.e., perpetuates itself by active cell division.

20           (a)

In amphivasal vascular bundle, phloem is surrounded by xylem, e.g., Dracaena.

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