MCQ on Animal Kingdom 


1. Which one of the following has a biradial symmetry?

a) Paramecium 

b) Jellyfish          

c) Cockroach     

d) Sea anemone

2. Mouth part of housefly are

a) Siphoning type            

b) Sponging type

c) Biting and chewing type

d) Piercing and sucking type

3. Zoological name of common Indian krait is

a) Bungarus caeruleus   

b) Ophiophagus Hannah

c) Viper russeli  

d) Naja naja

4. Which of the following animals have a single opening to the outside that serves both as mouth as well as anus?

a) Octopus         

b) Asterias          

c) Ascidia            

d) Fasciola

5. Cellulose digesting zooflagellate found in wood cockroaches is

a) Lophomonas

b) Trichomonas

c) Trichonympha              

d) Leishmania

 6. Spiracles found in cockroach are

a) 2 pairs in thorax and 100 pairs in abdomen     

b) 2 pairs in thorax and 6 pairs in abdomen

c) 2 pairs in thorax and 8 pairs in abdomen

d) 2 pairs in thorax and 4 pairs in abdomen

7. The phylum-Mollusca lack, which one of the following

a) Visceral hump              

b) Malpighian tubules   

c) Gills  

d) Radula

8.Down feathers are

a) First feathery covering in birds

b) Modified filoplumes found near nostrils and eyes

c) Tail feathers

d) Wing feathers

9. The number of abdominal segments in male and female cockroach is

a) 10, 10             

b) 9, 10

c) 10, 11              

d) 8, 10

10. Petromyzon and myxine belong to class

 a) Gnathostomata         

b) Cyclostomata

c) Urochordata 

d) Protochordata

11. All mammals without any exception are characterized by

a) Viviparity and biconcave red blood cell

b) Extra abdominal testis and four-chambered heart

c) Heterodont teeth and 12 pairs of cranial nerves

d) A muscular diaphragm and milk producing glands

12. Which of the following is true about phylum-Platyhelminthes?

a) They are mostly ectoparasites               

b) They are mostly free-living

c) They are mostly commensals 

d) They are mostly endoparasites

13. Submaxillary glands of rabbit pour their secretions through

a) Stenson’s duct             

b) Ductus cholidocus      

c) Wharton’s duct            

d) Naso-palatine duct

14. Which one of the following animals belongs to Cyclostomata?

a) Channa           

b) Loris

c) Dodo

d) Petromyzon

15. Reproduction in Ctenoplana takes place by

a) Budding         

b) Sexual reproduction  

c) Binary fission

d) Multiple fission

16. Mosquito receive air through

a) Flagellum       

b) Cilia  

c) Pedicel             

d) None of these

17. Note the following words.


II. Pedical


IV. Flagellum


VI. Mentum 


VIII. Cardo


Which of the above found in the first pair of maxillae in case of cockroach?        

a) III, V, VII and VIII         

b) I, III, V and IX

c) I, VI, VII and IX              

d) II, V, VII and IX

18. Ornithorhynchus is an example of

a) Dinosaur        

b) Monotreme mammal

c) Marsupial mammal    

d) Eutherian mammal

19. The presence of the tube feet is a characteristic feature of the phylum

a) Arthropoda  

b) Annelida        

c) Nemathelminthes      

d) Echinodermata

20. Choose the non-poisonous snake from the given options

 a) Krait and cobra snake     

b) Sea snake and coral snake

c) Viper and rattle snake    

d) None of the above

1             (d)

In biradial symmetry, the body can be divided into two similar halves by one or two vertical planes only, e.g., sea anemones. The animals, which show radial and biradial symmetry have oral and aboral sides.

2             (b)

The house fly is characterized by one pair of wings, sponging and lapping types of mouth parts and short antennae.

3             (a)

Zoological name of common Indian krait is Bungarus caeruleus. Kraits are highly poisonous snake.

4             (d)

Fasciola hepatica (Sheep lever fluke) belongs to phylum-Platyhelminthes. These worms have incomplete alimentary canal, there is a single opening for both digestion and egestion. This is also called as blind sac body plan.

5             (a)

Lophomonas is the cellulose digesting zooflagellate found in wood cockroach.

6             (c)

Spiracles are 10 in number, out of these 2 pairs are found in thoracic portion, while rest 8 pairs are found in abdominal portion.

7             (b)

Phylum-Mollusca lack Malpighian tubules, instead have feather like gills in the mantle cavity that are useful for respiration and excretion

8             (a)

Down feathers are found only in newly hatched birds, its the first feathery covering on the body which provide insulation to new hatched ones

9             (a)

Abdomen of adult consists of 10 segments, while embryo has 11 segments.

10           (b)

Class-Cyclostomata includes round mouthed fish like lampreys (Petromyzon) and hags (Myxine)

11           (c)

In mammals the teeth are heterodont (i.e., consists of incisors, canines, premolar and molars) thecodont (in sockets of jaw bones). The brain has 12 pair of cranial nerves.

12           (d)

Most members of phylum-Platyhelminthes are endoparasites characterised by the presence of hooks and suckers for attachment inside the host

13           (c)

The submaxillary and submandibular glands of rabbit are the largest salivary glands. They are found near the angles of mandible. Their large duct that is Wharton’s duct open just behind the lower incisors.

14           (d)

Petromyzon belongs to class-Cyclostomata. Cyclostomata are aquatic, marine or freshwater vertebrates.

15           (b)

Ctenoplana belongs to phylum-Ctenophora. Reproduction in all the animals belonging to phylum-Ctenophora takes place by sexual reproduction only

17           (a)

Maxillae are appendages of 5th head segment and known as first pair of maxillae. The first maxillae of cockroach has biramous structure, with protopodite containing cardo as its basal portion alongwith stipes articulated at 90°. Stipes bear a five jointed expedite or maxillary palp towards outside (its basal podomer called palpifer) and endopodite towards inside, with two closely placed podomeres celled galea and lacinia.

18           (b)

Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Duck-billed platypus) is a monotreme mammal, which belongs to sub-class-Prototheria (primitive egg laying mammals), order-Monotremata (living prototherians).

19           (d)

Echinoderms are characterized by the presence of a well developed water vascular system (a system of water filled canals) which provides Hydraulic power for thousands of tube feet which are sac like protrusions of body wall used for locomotion, feeding and respiration.

20           (d)

All the snakes mentioned are poisonous snakes

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