MCQ On Locomotion & Movement    


1. Volkmann’s canal occurs in

A) Bone

b) Cartilage        

c) liver  

d) internal ear

2. Scapula is a large triangular flat bone situated in the dorsal part of the thorax between the

a) second and fifth ribs 

b) Second and seventh ribs

c) third and eighth ribs  

d)fourth and seventh ribs

3. The coxal of the pelvic girdle is formed by the fusion of

a) ilium,ischium and pubis           

b) scapula and clavicle

c) ilium and scapula        

d) ilium, scapula and ischium

4. The polysaccharide portion of a proteoglycan present in the matrix of cartilage is known as

a) Ossein

b) Cartilin

c) Casein

d) Chondroitin

5. Statements about the mechanism of muscle contraction are given below.

I.  Acetylcholine is released when the neural signal reaches the motor end plate.

II. Muscle contraction is initiated by a signal sent by CNS via a sensory neuron.

III. During muscle contraction isotropic band gets elongated.

IV. Repeated activation of the muscles can lead to lactic acid accumulation.

Identify the correct statement.

a) I and IV are correct

b) I and III are correct

c) II and III are correct

d) I, II, and III are correct

6.Human skeletal system consists of

a) 200 bones     

b) 300 bones     

c) 206 bones     

d) 250 bones

7. Volkmann’s canals occur in

a) Internal ear   

b) liver 

c) Cartilage         

d) Bone

8. Where did an epidemic bone softening disease itai-itai occurred first?

a) South Korea 

b) Japan

c) China

d) Burma

9. The store house of calcium ions in the muscle fibre is

a) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum            

b) Golgi body

c) Sarcoplasmic reticulum            

d) Lysosomes

10. Ca2+ bind …A… in skeletal muscles and leads to the exposure of binding site for …B… on the filament …C…

Identify A, B and C, so as to complete the given statements

a) A-troponin, B-actin, C-relaxin

b) A-actin, B-myosin, C-troponin

c) A-troponin, B-myosin, C-actin

d) A-tropomyosin, B-myosin, C-actin

11. During skeletal muscle contraction following events occur-

MCQ on Locomotion And Movement

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I. I-band shortens      

 II. A-band shortens

III. H-zone shortens   

IV. Sarcomere contract

V. ATP changes to ADP and Pi

Choose the option with incorrect events

a) Only I              

b) Only III            

c) IV and V          

d) Only II

12. From outer to inside, the sequence of three bones present, in the middle ear of mammals, is

a) Malleus, stapes and incus       

b) Stapes, malleus and incus

c) Malleus, incus and stapes       

d) Incus, malleus and stapes

13. Aerobic muscles called …A… and anaerobic muscles are called …B… . Here A and B refers to

a) A-red fibres; B-white fibres    

b) A-white fibres; B-red fibres

c) A-white fibres; B-black fibres 

d) A-red fibres; B-black fibres

14. Hollow bones are characteristic of

a) Reptiles          

b) Birds

c) Mammals      

d) Fishes

15. Neuromuscular junction is a junction between

a) Two neurons and muscles

b) Sensory neurons and muscles

c) Motor neurons and sarcolemma of muscles

d) Sensory neurons and sarcolemma of muscles

16. Zygomatic arch of rabbit is formed of

a) Maxilla, periotic and jugal       

b) Periotic, jugal and palatine

c) Maxilla, squamosal and jugal 

d) Maxilla, premaxilla and squamosal

17. Streaming of the cytoplasm/cyclosis is seen in

a) Amoeba         

b) Earthworm   

c) Nereis             

d) Leech

18. Pick out the correct match.

a) Sternum-14  

b) Pelvis-3          

c) Ribs-20            

d) Face-5

19. Chemical ions responsible for muscle contraction are

a) Ca2+ and K+    

b) Na+ and K+     

c) Na+ and Ca2+

d) Ca2+ and Mg2+

20. In the resting state of muscles the troponin

a) Active site on actin filament  

b) Terminal site on actin filament

c) Terminal site on actin tropomyosin    

d) Middle site on actin tropomyosin

1              (a)

Haversian canals are found in long bones of mammals. These canals are interconnected by transverse canals called Volkmann’s canals.

2              (b)

Scapula is a large triangular flat bone situated in the dorsal part of the thorax between the second and the seventh ribs. The dorsal, flat, triangular body of scapula has a slightly elevated ridge called the, spine which projects as a flat, expended process called acromion.

3              (a)

Pelvic girdle consists of two coxal bones. Each coxal bone is formed by the fusion of three bones-ilium, ischium and pubis. At the point of fusion of the above bones is a cavity called acetabulum to which the thigh bone articulates.

4              (d)

Chondroitin sulphate is a jelly like substance that provides support and adhesiveness in cartilage, bone, skin and blood vessels

5              (a)

The junction between a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber is called the neuromuscular junction or motor-end plate. A neural signal reaching this junction (motor-end plate) releases a neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) which generates an action potential in the sarcolemma.

6              (c)

Originally human skeleton consists of 270 bones, which gets fused to become 206 bones and out of which 6 bones are ear ossicles. The remaining 200 bones are distributed into axial and appendicular skeleton


Volkmann’s canals are found in long bones of mammals. These are transverse canals and connecting to Haversian canals.

8              (b)

The epidemic bone softening ‘Itai-Itai’ was first seen in Japan.

9              (c)

Sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Each muscle fibre is lined by the plasma membrane called sarcolemma enclosing the sarcoplasm. Muscle fibre is a syncitium as the sarcoplasm contains many nuclei. The endoplasmic reticulum, i.e., sarcoplasmic reticulum of the muscle fibres is the store house of calcium ions. A characteristic feature of muscle fibre is the presence of large number of parallely arranged filaments in the sarcoplasm called myofilaments or myofibrils

10           (c)

A-Troponin, B-Myosin, C-Actin

11           (d)

During muscle contraction the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP + Pi takes place in breaking and forming of cross bridges between the actin and myosin filaments

12           (c)

The middle ear cavity in mammals characteristically contains a chain of three little bones called or ear ossicles extending between the tympanic membrane and the fenestra ovalis. These are called from outside as the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup), so named because of their characteristic shapes.

13           (a)

Muscle contains a red coloured oxygen storing pigment called myoglobin. Myoglobin content is high in some of the muscles which gives them a reddish appearance. Such muscles are called the red fibres. These muscles, also contains plenty of mitochondria, which can utilise the large amount of oxygen stored in them for ATP production. These muscles therefore, can also be called aerobic muscles

14           (b)

Most of the bones in birds are pneumatic and filled with air sac instead of bone marrow.

15           (c)

The junction between a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of the muscle fibre is called the neuromuscular junction or motor end plate. A neural signal reaching this junction releases a neurotransmitter, acetylecholine which generates an action potential in the sarcolemma

16           (c)

Jugal is a narrow wavy bone. It connects zygomatic processes of squamosal and maxilla forming ’zygomatic arch’.

17           (a)

Animals and plants exhibit a wide range of movements. Streaming of protoplasm in the unicellular organisms like Amoeba is a simple form of movement

18           (b)

Sternum    -1

Pelvis        -3

Ribs           -24

Face          -14

19           (d)

Chemical ions responsible for muscle contraction are Ca^(2+) and Mg^(2+).

20           (a)

In resting state, troponin binds to tropomyosin and masks the binding sites, Ca^(2+) binds to the troponin and frees the binding sites of troponin so that contraction can proceed

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