MCQ on Plant Growth & Development    


1. Which hormone is called the dormancy hormone?

a) IAA   

b) NAA

c) ABA  

d) GA

2. Plant growth regulators are also described as

a) Plant growth substance           

b) Plant hormones

c) Phytohormones         

d) All of these

3. Name of a gaseous plant hormone is

a) IAA   

b) Gibberellins 

c) Ethylene        

d) Abscisic acid 

4. Exponential growth can’t be sustained for much time due to

I. limited space and nutrient

II. accumulation of toxic agent

III. unlimited space and nutrient

IV. accumulation of nutrient agent

Choose the correct combination of options

a) I and III           

b) III and IV        

c) I and II             

d) IV and II

5. Programmed cell death is scientifically termed as

a) Autotomy     

b) Cell lysis         

c) Apoptosis      

d) None of these

6. The following statements are given about plant growth hormones:

I. Kinetin is a degradative substance from DNA molecule.

II. ABA is present, in all the plants.

III. Low ratio of cytokinins to auxins favours root formation only.

IV. ABA is synthesized catabolically through mevalonate pathway.

The correct combination is

a) I and II            

b) II and III          

c) I and III           

d) III and IV

7. Plants follow …A… pathways in response to environment or phases of life to form different kind of structures. This ability is called …B…

Complete the given statement with the correct combination of options

a) A-same; B-elasticity  

b) A-elasticity; B-same

c) A-different; B-plastically          

d) A-same; B-plastically

8. Opening of floral buds into flowers, is a type of

a) Autonomic movement of locomotion

b) Autonomic movement of variation

c) Paratonic movement of growth           

d) Autonomic movement of growth

9. The bioassay of auxin is

a) Avena curvature test

b) Callus formation

c) Culture of fungus       

d) Seed dormancy

10. The cells derived from cambium, root apical and shoot apical meristem differentiate and mature to perform specific functions. This act is called

a) Differentiation            

b) Dedifferentiation       

c) Redifferentiation       

d) All of these

MCQ on Plant Growth & Development    

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11. Induction of flowering by low temperature treatment is

a) Vernalization

b) Cryobiology  

c) Photoperiodism          

d) Pruning

12. Response of plants due to reversible turgor change in pulvinus is

a) Nyctinastic    

b) Seismonastic

c) Heptonastic  

d) Photonastic

13. The type of growth where new cells are always being added to plant body by the activity of meristem is called

a) Closed form of growth             

b) Diffused form of growth

c) Open form of growth

d) Discontinuous form of growth

14. Which of the following is a day neutral plant?

a) Helianthus annuus     

b) Euphorbia pulcherrima

c) Avena sativa 

d) Beta vulgaris                                                

15. Four coleoptile for experiment

Which coleoptile bend toward the light? Choose the correct option

a) A and B

b) C and D           

c) A and D           

d) C and B                                                                                                                           

16. Which one of the following acids is a derivative of carotenoids?

a) Indole-butyric acid     

b) Indole-3 acetic acid   

c) Gibberellic acid            

d) Abscisic acid

17. Growth plotted against time gives a

a) Parabolic curve           

b) Sigmoid curve             

c) Upright line   

d) Horizontal line

18. Cell elongation in intermodal regions of the green plants takes place due to

a) Indole acetic acid        

b) Cytokinins     

c) Gibberellins  

d) Ethylene

19. An enzyme that can stimulate germination of barley seeds is

a) α-amylase     

b) Lipase             

c) Protease        

d) Invertase

20. The final structure at maturity of a cell/tissue is determined by

a) Type of cells 

b) Type of cell division

c) Location of cell within tissue  

d) Nutrient in cells

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