MCQ on Plant Kingdom


1. In gymnosperm dominant phase is

a) Sporophyte  

b) Gametophyte              

c) Haploid           

d) Diploid

2. In liverworts asexual reproduction takes place by

a) Gemmae and fragmentation of thalli

b) Fragmentation and zoospores

c) Gemmae formation and spores formation

d) Isogamy and anisogamy

3. Which of the following is the amphibians of the plant kingdom?

a) Angiosperms

b) Pteridophytes             

c) Gymnosperm

d) Byrophytes

4. Identify the scientists worked extensively on chlorophyllous and non-chlorophyllous thallophytes, respectively.

I. Iyenger   II. Swaminathan

III. Metha   IV. Maheswari

a) I and IV           

b) I and III           

c) II and III          

d) III and IV

5. Sago starch is obtained from

a) Cedrus            

b) Taxus               

c) Pinus

d) Cycas

6. In angiosperms endosperm is

a) Haploid           

b) Diploid            

c) Triploid

d) None of the above

7. Observe the diagrams given below and choose the correct option out of A of C, in which all the three items A,B and C are rightly identified

 a) A-Antheridiophore, B-Archegoniophore, C-Endospore

b) A-Archegoniophore, B-Antheridiophore, C-Gemma cup

c) A- Antheridiophore, B-Archegoniophore, C-Gemma cup

d) A-Archegoniophore, B- Antheridiophore, C-Seta cup

8. Which of the following pteridophytes is heterosporous in nature?

a) Selaginella and Salvinia            

b) Adiantum and Equisetum

c) Psilotum and Lycopodium       

d) Adiantum and Psilotum

9. Which statement is incorrect about Pinus?

a) The male and female strobili may be produced on the same tree

b) The male or female strobili may be produced on different trees

c) Male and female sporophylls born on same strobilus

d) Male and female sporophylls born on different strobilus

10. Find out the mis-matched pair.

a) Agar   -  Polymer of glucose

                 and sulphur containing


b) Chitin  -  Polymer of


c) Peptidoglycan  -  Polysaccharide linked

                                   to peptides

d) Lipopolysaccharides  -  A complex of lipid and


11. Gymnosperms are naked seeded plants because

a) There is no fruit          

b) There is no ovule

c) There is no fertilization             

d) There is no ovary and fruit

MCQ on Plant Kingdom    

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12. Consider the following statements about green algae

I. Green algae are green due to the presence of chlorophyll-a and b pigments localised in chloroplast

II. Algae store food in form of starch in a specialised structures called pyrenoids located in chloroplast. Food may  be stored in form of oil droplets

III. Vegetative reproduction occurs through cell division, fragmentation, stolons and tubers

Which of the statements given above are correct?

a) I and II            

b) I and III           

c) II and III          

d) I, II and III

13. Stamen consists of

a) Filament and anther  

b) Style and stigma         

c) Filament and pistil      

d) Anther and pistil

14. Cycads are

a) Homosporous and dioecious 

b) Homosporous and monoecious

c) Heterosporous and dioecious

d) Heterosporous and monoecious

15. ‘Chilgoza’ a gymnospermic seed that is eaten as dry fruit is produced by

a) Pinus roxburghii

b) Pinus geradiana

c) Ginkgo biloba

d) Cedrus deodara

16. In Funaria capsule, dispersal of spores takes place through

a) Peristomial teeth        

b) Annulus         

c) Calyptra          

d) Operculum

17. The plant body of all bryophytes are haploid and thallus like having

a) True root, stem and leaves

b) Root-like, leaf-like or steam like structure

c) Vascular tissues (xylem and phloem)

d) Complex tissues

18. Though Cycas has two cotyledons, this is not included in dicot because

a) Of naked ovule            

b) They have megaspore

c) Appears as palm tree 

d) Has compound leaves

19. Which one of the following is called maiden-hair fern?

a) Dryopteris     

b) Pteris              

c) Adiantum      

d) Lycopodium

20. In gymnosperms, the pollen chamber represents

a) A cell in the pollen grain in which the sperms are formed

b) A cavity in the ovule in which pollen grains are stored after pollination

c) An opening in the megagametophyte through which the pollen tube approaches the egg

d) The microsporangium in which pollen grains develop

1             (a)

In gymnosperms the dominant phase is sporophyte, gymnosperms are heterosporous produced haploid megaspore and microspores, which are produced with in sporangia born on sporophyll. These spore bearing plants are called sporophytes

2             (a)

Liverworts reproduce asexually by the formation of specialised structure called gemmae or through fragmentation of thalli. Gemmae are asexual buds, which originate from small receptacles called gemma cups

3             (d)

Bryophytes are also known as amphibians of plant kingdom. They have various features, which enabled them to live on both land and on water habitats

4             (b)

Professor M O P Iyenger is know as father of Inidan phycology.  Phycology is the study of algae (chlorophyllous thallophytes).

Professor K C Mehta worked on cause behind annual recurrence of wheat rust (fungi, i.e., non-chlorophyllous thallophytes) in plains of northern India.

5             (a)

Sago starch is obtained from Pinus

6             (c)

The primary endosperm nucleus is triploid (3n) as it is the product of triple fusion

7             (c)

A-Antheridiophore, B-Archegoniophore, C-Gemma cup

8             (a)

Genera like Selaginella and Salvinia, which produce two kinds of spores, macro (large) and micro (small) spores are known as heterosporous

9             (c)

Pinus is either monoecious or dioecious. In monoecious condition male and female strobili are present on same plant and dioecious condition male and female strobili are present on different plant. Cycas have only dioecious condition

10           (a)

Agar (agar-agar) is polymer of D-galactose 3-6 anhydro L-galactose having sulphate esterification after tenth galactose unit.

11           (a)

Gymnosperms are naked seeded plants because seeds are presents on the megasporophyll and are not enclosed with fruit wall due to lack of ovary wall.

12           (c)

A-Dictyota, B-Polysiphonia, C-Porphyra, D-Laminaria, E-Fucus

13           (a)

Filament and anther.

Male sex organ is stamen also known as androecium. It consists of an anther lobe and a filament. Anther produces pollen grains

14           (c)

Cycas are heterosporous and in additions, produce highly specialised complex reproductive and dispersal structure called seeds. Cycas is also a dioecious plant. Dioecius plants are unisexual, having male and female reproductive organs on different individual (plants)

15           (b)

Chilgoza a gymnospermic seed that is eaten as dry fruit is produced by Pinus gerardiana

16           (a)

In moss (Funaria), the dispersal of spores is facilitated by hygroscopic pouring movements of peristomial teeth (lengthening and shortening of peristomial teeth). The inner peristome acts as a sieve allowing only few spores to escape at a time.

17           (b)

Bryophytes lack true-roots, stem or leaves. They possess root-like, leaf-like or stem-like structures

18           (a)

In Cycas, ovules are found without ovary, this condition is called naked ovule.  Cycas produces largest ovules in the plant kingdom. The ovules are orthotropous and unitegmic.

19           (c)

Maiden hair fern, the common name given to the fern Adiantum capillus veneris, in which leaves are bi-pinnate with sori (clustered stalked sporangia) present sub-marginally.

20 (b)

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