MCQ on Reproductive Health


MCQ on Reproductive Health

1. Amniocentesis is a technique to:

a)Estimate essential amino acids in the body      

b)Detect chromosomal anomalies in the foetus

c)Reverse sex of the foetus        

d)Correct genetic disorders of the foetus

2. Test tube baby is a technique where:

a)Zygote is taken from the oviduct cultured and then implanted

b)Ovum is taken out, then fertilized and implanted

c)Sperm and ovum are fused and zygote grown in a test tube

d)None of the above

3. In a population, the condition at which the rate of addition of new members is more than the rate of individuals lost indicates:

a)Zero population growth

b)Exponential growth

c)Declining growth         

d)None of these

4. Which oral contraceptive is developed by CDRI?



c)Both (a) and (b)            

d)None of these

5. Identify the correct statements

I. Infertility is the inability to produce viable offsprings due to the defects in the female partner

II. Complete lactation helps in contraception

III. Spreading awareness can help to create a reproductively healthy society

a)II only

b)I, II and III       

c)II and III           

d)I and III

6. What is true about ‘Saheli’?

I. Developed at CDRI, Lucknow

II. Contains a steroidal preparation

III. ‘Once-a-week’ pill

IV. Many side effects

V. High contraceptive value

VI. Very few side effects

VII. Low contraceptive value

a)I, II, III, V and VI

b)I, III, V and VI 

c)I, II, III, IV and V

d)I, III, IV and V

7. Which of the following match is the correct?

I. STDs – Sexually Transmitted Diseases

II. VD – Venerable Disease

III. RTI – Reproductive Tract Infection

a)I and II              

b)II and IV          

c)I and III             

d)I, II and III

8. NFCP stands for

a)National Filaria Control Programme    

b)National Smallpox Control Programme

c)National Fever Control Programme     

d)None of the above

9. The technique called Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) is recommended for the females

a)Who can’t produce an ovum

b)Who can’t retain the foetus inside the uterus

c)Whose cervical canal is too narrow to allow the passage for the sperm

d)Who can’t provide suitable environment for fertilization

MCQ on Reproductive Health

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10. IVF involves the fertilisation …A… the body followed by …B…

a)A-outside; B-test tube

b)A-outside; B-embryo transfer

c)A-inside; B-embryo transfer   

d)A-inside; B-embryo transfer

11. Greatest biological problems faced by human beings is:

a)Population explosion 

b)Depletion of ozone layer

c)Depletion of natural resources              

d)Land erosion

12. Which one of the following is the most widely accepted method of contraception in India, as at present?

a)Cervical caps 



d)IUDs (Intra uterine devices)

13. Common STD in India is





14. The prenatal technique to determine the genetic disorders in a foetus is called




d)Coitus interruptus

15. Choose the correct option for A,B,C and D

a)A-Tubectomy, B-Vasectomy, C-Fallopian tube cut and tied, D-Vas-deferens cut and tied

b)A-Tubectomy, B-Vasectomy, C-Cervix, D-Vas-deferens cut and tied

c)A-Vasectomy, B-Tubectomy, C-Vas deferens cut and tied, D-Fallopian tube cut and tied

d)A-Tubectomy, B-Vasectomy, C-Vas deferens cut and tied, D-Fallopian tube cut and tied

16. What is correct about a test tube baby?

a)Fertilization in female’s genital tract and growth in test tube

b)Rearing of premature born baby in an incubator

c)Fertilization outside and gestation inside mother’s womb

d)Both fertilization and development are done outside the female genital tract

17. NLCP stands for

a)National Lyme Control Programme     

b)National Leprosy Control Programme

c)National Lesion Control Programme    

d)None of the above

18.The main factor of population growth in India is:

a)More of birth rate       

b)less of death rate        

c)Lack of education        

d)All the above

19. Which of the following is a mechanical barrier used in birth control:




d)Dalcon shield

20. Copper-T prevents:


b)Fertilization of egg      


d)Both (B) and (C)

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