Structural Organization in Animals
1. Which of the following part of the alimentary canal of cockroaches is used for storing food?
a) Crop
b) Gastric caecae
c) Gizzard
d) Oesophagus
2. In earthworm, pharyngeal nephridia are present as three paired tufts in the segments
a) 3rd, 4th and 5th
b) 4th, 5th and 6th
c) 5th, 6th and 7th
d) 6th, 7th and 8th
3. ….. type of junction is found in the epithelium and other tissues. Fill up the blank by using a suitable word
a) Two
b) Three
c) One
d) Four
4. Which of the following is a sense organ pair in cockroach?
a) Antennae and eyes
b) Maxillary palp and labial palps
c) Antennae and anal cerci
d) All of the above
5. Which one is an iron storage protein?
a) Myosin
b) Glutelin
c) Ferritin
d) Immunoglobulin
6. WBC_S accumulate at site of wound by
a) Hypertension
b) Arteriosclerosis
c) Haemopoiesis
d) Diapedesis
7. Cells of areolar tissues that produces or secrete fibres are called
a) Fibroblast
b) Mast cells
c) Macrophage
d) Adipocytes
8. Hypopharynx of the cockroach acts as
a) Mouth
b) Lips
c) Tongue
d) Jaws
9. The frogs have the ability to change its colour to hide them from their enemies. This protective colouration is called
a) Hibernation
b) Aestivation
c) Mimicry
d) Camuflage
10. Agranulocytes are
a) Lymphocytes and monocytes
b) Eosinophils and basophils
c) Lymphocytes and eosinophils
d) Basophils and monocytes
11. Which of the following is not a function of epithelium?
a) Protection
b) Connection
c) Secretion or excretion
d) Adsorption
12. In cockroaches, stink gland is found in
a) 4th and 5th terga
b) 5th and 6th terga
c) 5th and 6th sterna
d) 4th and 5th sterna
13. Animal tissues are categorised into four basic types on the basis of
a) Function and origin
b) Structure and functions
c) Functions only
d) Origin and structures
14. The number of vasa efferentia that arises from testes in frog’s male reproductive system is
a) 9 – 12
b) 10 – 12
c) 13 – 16
d) 16 – 19
15. The multilobed nucleus and granular WBCs are
a) Eosinophils
b) Neutrophils
c) Lymphocytes
d) Monocytes
16. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
a) Cartilage – Limbs and hands in adults
b) Blood – Fluid connective tissue
c) Tendons – Connects bone to bone
d) Adipose tissue – Blubber of whales
17. Red cell count is carried out by
a) Haemocytometer
b) Haemoglobinometer
c) Sphygmomanometer
d) Electrocardiogram
18. Which of the following are the examples of saccular glands?
a) Oil and milk glands of humans
b) Sweat gland in mammals
c) Brunner’s gland in humans
d) None of the above
19. Tendons helps in connecting
a) Muscles to bones
b) Bone to bone
c) Bone of cartilage
d) Cartilage to muscle
20. The leucocytes contain, which of the following in large quantity?
a) Basophils
b) Neutrophils
c) Eosinophils
d) Monocytes
1 (a)
Crop is a sac-like structure present in the alimentary canal of cockroaches and is used for storing food
2 (b)
Pharyngeal nephridia are present as three paired tufts in the segments 4th, 5th, 6th. They discharge excretory matter into the gut (buccal cavity and pharynx) by these paired ducts
3 (b)
Three types of junctions found in the epithelium and other tissues are tight junctions, adhering junctions and gap junction
4 (d)
In cockroach, the sense organs are antennae, eyes, maxillary palps, labial palps, anal cerci etc.
5 (c)
Ferritin is an iron-storing protein found especially in spleen, liver and bone-marrow. Iron, in the form of Fe^(3+), is made available when required for haemoglobin synthesis.
6 (d)
Leucocytes (WBC) can squeeze through pores of thin capillary wall to wander about in tissue. This phenomenon is termed as diapedesis.
7 (a)
The fibroblasts are the principle cells of the areolar tissue. They are large, flat, stellate cells with long processes and oval nucleus. They secrete matrix and the material of which, the fibres are formed
8 (c)
The hypopharynx is a median tongue like, chitinous structure with two pointed lobes
9 (d)
The frog have the ability to change the colour to hide them from their enemies. This protective colouration is called camouflage
10 (a)
Agranulocytes formed in spleen and lymph nodes are non-granular white blood cells that contain non-lobulated nuclei. These from about 35% of total leucocytes (3.5 ×10^9 per litre). These are of two types-monocytes and lymphocytes.
11 (b)
Connection is not the function of epithelium tissue. It is the function of connective tissue
12 (b)
The arthrodial membrane between the 5th and 6th abdominal terga is depressed to form a stink gland. These glands produces a secretion that gives a stinky smell
13 (b)
Animal tissues are categorised into four basic types on the basis of their structure and function
14 (b)
The number of vasa efferentia that arises from the testes in frog’s male reproductive system is 10-12. They enter the kidneys on their sides and open into the Bidder’s canal and finally, it communicates with the urinogenital duct that comes out of the kidneys and opens into the cloaca
15 (b)
Neutrophils are the most abundant, most active type of granular WBC_S. Nucleus has 5-lobes. They are phagocytic.
Eosinophils are granular WBC_S with bilobed nucleus.
Lymphocytes and monocytes are agranular WBC_S.
16 (c)
Tendons connects muscle to bond and ligaments connects bone to bone
17 (a)
Haemocytometer is an instrument used to determine cell or spore counts such as RBC_S.
18 (a)
Saccular glands have wide, spherical, secretory part called acinus. They may be simple or compound. The simple saccular glands may be branched or unbranched. A compound saccular gland consists of several lobules, each having many acini.
The acini of a lobule opens by short ductules into a common duct that discharge into the main duct of the glands. The oil glands in the human skin are simple, branched and saccular whereas, milk glands of humans are compound and saccular
19 (a)
Tendons connects muscles to bones
20 (b)
Leucocytes or white blood corpuscles are colourless blood cells. These are of two types on the basis of presence or absence of granules in cytoplasm :
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