MCQ on Structural Organization in Animals   


1. A complete set of the mouth part of cockroach consists of

a) Labrum and labium

b) Labium, labrum and tongue

c)Larum, mandibles, maxillae and labium

d) Labrum, maxillae and labium

2. In which of the following muscle fibres intercalated disc occurs?

a) In non-striped muscles

b) Between cardiac muscle fibres

c) At the junction of muscle and nerve cells

d) In striped muscles

3. Which of the following part of cockroach’s alimentary canal secretes digestive juices?

a) Malphigian tubule     

b) Proventriculus            

c) Caecae            

d) Crop

4. Consider the following statements related to Rana tigrina and select the correct option stating which are true and which are false

I. Hindlimbs are larger and muscular than forelimbs

II. The alimentary canal of frog is short

III. They respire on the land through skin only

IV. They contains two-chambered heart

I    II    III    IV

a) T   F     T     F  

b) F   F     T     T  

c) F   T    T     F    

d) T   T    F     F

5. During inflammation, which of the following is secreted by connective tissue?

a) Heparin

b) Histamine     

c) Serotonin      

d) Glucagon                                                                                                                       

6. Given below the functions of different parts of the alimentary canal of cockroach. Correlate these functions with their respective organs

I. Grinding of food particles

II. Secretion of digestive juices

III. Clearing of haemolymph

The correct set of organs is

a) I. Malpighian tubule

    II. Proventericulus

   III. Hepatic caecae

b) I. Proventriculus

    II. Gastric caecae

    III. Malpighian tubule

c) I. Gastric caecae

   II. Gizzard

   III. Malpighian tubule

d) I. Gizzard

    II. Crop

    III. Malpighian tubule

7. The compound eyes of cockroaches consists of about

a) 200 hexagonal ommatidia      

b) 2000 hexagonal ommatidia

c) 20 hexagonal ommatidia         

d) 20,000 hexagonal ommatidia

8. In frog, for the digestion of food, wall of the stomach secretes

a) Pepsins and renin       

b) Amylase and tryptophanase

c) HCl and gastric juices

d) HCl and pepsin

MCQ on Anatomy of Structural Organization in Animals

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9. The major constituent of connective tissue is

a) Vitamin          

b) Carbohydrate              

c) Lipid 

d) Collagen

10. The body of earthworm is divided into

a) 100-120 metamers    

b) 150-200 metamers

c) 250-300 metamers    

d) 300-350 metamers

11. Which of the following gland is present in man but not in frog?

a) Thyroid gland               

b) Salivary gland              

c) Pancreas        

d) Liver

12. Endothelium of blood vessels is made up of 

a) Simple cuboidal epithelium   

b) Simple squamous epithelium

c) Simple columnar epithelium  

d) Simple non-ciliated columnar epithelium

13. Ciliated epithelium is present in

a) Trachea          

b) Ureter            

c) intestine        

d) Nasal chamber

14. In water, the skin of the frog performs the function of

a) Osmosis         

b) Plasmolysis   

c) Diffusion        

d) Thermoregulation

15. Which type of tissue is present in human heart?

a) Epithelial tissue          

b) Muscular tissue and neural tissue

c) Connective tissue       

d) All of the above

16. Given below the diagram of the ventral view of earthworm’s body. Identify A to F and choose the correct combination of options

a) A-Setae, B-Female genital aperture, C-Male genital aperture, D-Genital papillae, E-Clitellum, F-Anus

b) A- Anus, B- Setae, C-Male genital aperture, D- Female genital aperture, E-Genital papillae, F- Clitellum

c) A-Setae, B- Male genital aperture, C- Female genital aperture, D-Genital papillae, E-Clitellum, F-Anus

d) A-Nephridiopores, B- Setae, C-Nuclei, D-Metamers, E-Prostomium, F-Anus

17. Identify A, B and C in given figures and choose the correct combination of options

a) A-Unicellular gland, B-Multicellular gland, C-Multilayered cells

b) A-Multicellular gland, B-Unicellular gland, C-Squamous epithelium

c) A-Goblet gland, B-Multicellular gland, C-Columnar epithelium

d) A-Flattened cell, B-Multilayered cells, C-Transitional epithelium

18. Consider the following statement about frog’s digestive system

I. Food is captured by the bilobed tongue

II. Partially digested food is called chyme. It is passed from the stomach to the first part of intestine

III. Bile digests carbohydrates and proteins

IV. Inner wall of the intestine contains cilia

Which of the above given statement are incorrect?

a) I and II            

b) II and III          

c) III and IV         

d) I and IV

19. The cell junctions called tight, adhering and gap junctions are found in

a) Muscular tissue

b) Connective tissue      

c) Epithelial tissue           

d) Neural tissue

20. The principal role of setae in earthworm is

a) Respiration   

b) Excretion       

c) Locomotion  

d) Assimilation

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