1. Single celled animals are said to be immortal because
(a) they grow indefinitely in size
(b) they can tolerate any degree of change in temperature
(c) they can reproduce throughout their life span
(d) they continue to live as their daughter cells.
2. Select the option which arranges the given organisms in ascending order of their life span.
(a) Parrot < Crow < Butterfly < Banyan tree (b) Butterfly < Crow < Parrot < Crocodile
(c) Fruit fly < Crocodile < Parrot < Banyan tree (d) Parrot < Tortoise < Dog < Crow
3. Read the following statements about reproduction and select the incorrect one.
(a) It is a biological process in which an organism gives rise to young ones.
(b) It enables the continuity of the species.
(c) It produces genetic variations in organisms.
(d) It maintains populations of the young and adult persons only.
4. Read the following statements about asexual reproduction and select the correct ones.
(i) It involves a single parent.
(ii) It is slower than sexual reproduction.
(iii) It produces progeny that are genetically identical with the parent but not with one another.
(iv) The progeny of asexual reproduction can be termed as clones.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv) (d) (i), (iii) and (iv)
5. ‘Clones’ are individuals that have exactly the same
(a) lifespan (b) physiology
(c) growth rate (d) genetic makeup.
6. During binary fission in Amoeba which of the following organelles is duplicated?
(a) Plasma membrane (b) Nucleus
(c) Contractile vacuole (d) All of these
7. Select the incorrect statement.
(a) Amoeba and Paramecium reproduce by binary fission.
(b) Buds are produced due to unequal division in parent body.
(c) Encystation refers to the formation of two layered hard covering around Amoeba during unfavourable condition.
(d) Spores are formed due to multiple fission in sporulation.
8. Study the following figures and select the correct statements regarding these.
(i) A shows mode of asexual reproduction in sponges through internal buds.
(ii) B shows sexual reproduction through zoospores in Chlamydomonas.
(iii) C shows asexual reproduction through fragmentation in Penicillium.
(iv) D shows external budding in Sycon.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv)
9. Read the following statements about ‘Terror of Bengal’ and select the correct ones.
(i) ‘Terror of Bengal’ is the name given to water hyacinth (Eichhornia), an algae.
(ii) Eichhornia was introduced in India due to its aesthetic value.
(iii) Eichhornia drains oxygen from the water which leads to death of fishes.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
10. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.
(a) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii) (b) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii)
(c) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii) (d) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iii)
11. Read the following statements and select the correct option.
Statement 1: Many plants are propagated vegetatively even though they bear seeds.
Statement 2: Sweet potatoes multiply vegetatively by root tubers.
(a) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.
(b) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect.
(c) Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct.
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.
12. Which of the following options shows two plants in which new plantlets arise from the same organ?
(a) Dahlia and ginger (b) Potato and sweet potato
(c) Dahlia and rose (d) Potato and sugarcane
13. In which one pair, both the plants can be vegetatively propagated by leaf pieces?
(a) Bryophyllum and Kalanchoe (b) Chrysanthemum and Agave
(c) Agave and Dioscorea (d) Bryophyllum and Asparagus
14. Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
(i) Conidia are the asexual propagules restricted to Kingdom Fungi.
(ii) A piece of potato tuber having at least one eye (or node) is capable of giving rise to a new plant.
(iii) Ginger propagates vegetatively with the help of its underground roots.
(iv) Fleshy buds which take part in vegetative propagation are called bulbils, present in Dioscorea, Agave, etc.
(a) (ii) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) and (ill)
15. Identify the given vegetative propagule.
(a) Bulb (b) Runner
(c) Rhizome (d) Bulbil
16. If a leaf cell of Agave has x chromosomes then what will be the number of chromosomes in a cell of its bulbil?
(a) 2x (b) x/2
(c) x/4 (d) x
17. Refer to the given figure and identify X, Y and Z in it.
(a) X-Buds, Y-Nodes, Z-Adventitious root (b) X-Nodes, Y-Buds, Z-Adventitious root
(c) X-Nodes, Y-Adventitious root, Z-Buds (d) X-Buds, Y-Adventitious root, Z- Nodes
18. It is a common method of vegetative propagation in which 20-30 cm long pieces of one year old stems are cut, their lower ends are dipped in root promoting hormones and are then planted in the soil, which then develop adventitious roots. This method of vegetative propagation is performed in
(a) rose and sugarcane (b) lemon and orange
(c) Begonia and Bryophyllum (d) all of these
19. Match the organisms given in column I with their mode of reproduction in column II and select the correct answer from the codes given below.
(a) A-(i), B-(ill), C-(ii), D-(iv) (b) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(ill)
(c) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ill), D-(ii) (d) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ill)
20. Asexual reproduction is the____method of reproduction in organisms that have a relatively simple organisation like ______and____
Fill in the blanks in the above statement.
(a) rare, plant, bacteria (b) common, plant, bacteria
(c) common, algae, fungi (d) rare, algae, fungi
21. The uniparental reproduction is called _____reproduction while biparental reproduction is termed_____reproduction. Higher organisms mostly show_____reproduction.
(a) sexual, asexual, sexual (b) asexual, sexual, asexual
(c) asexual, sexual, sexual (d) sexual, asexual, asexual
22. It is observed that simple organisms like algae and fungi normally reproduce asexually but before the onset of adverse conditions they shift to sexual reproduction. It is so because sexual reproduction
(a) saves time (b) is rapid
(c) produces variations (d) all of these.
23. The growth phase of an organism before attaining sexual maturity is referred to as
(a) juvenile phase (b) vegetative phase
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these.
24. Select the monocarpic plant out of the following.
(a) Bamboo (b) Litchi
(c) Mango (d) All of these
25. Clear cut vegetative, reproductive and senescent phases cannot be observed in
(a) annual plants (b) perennial plants
(c) biennial plants (d) ephemeral plants.
26. Strobilanthus kunthiana differs from bamboo in
(a) being monocarpic (b) length of juvenile phase
(c) being polycarpic (d) none of these.
27. Which of the following animals show menstrual cycle?
(a) Gorillas and chimpanzees (b) Monkeys and humans
(c) Orangutans and monkeys (d) All of these
28. Organisms reproducing throughout the year are called _______ breeders e.g.,______, and those who show recurring sexual activity are called ______breeders e.g.,_____
(a) continuous, sparrow, seasonal, hen (b) seasonal, lizard, continuous, hen
(c) continuous, man, seasonal, tiger (d) seasonal, hen, continuous, tiger
29. Senescent phase of an organism’s life span can be recognised by
(a) slow metabolism (b) cessation of reproduction
(c) decreased immunity (d) all of these
30. Refer the following figures and identify the type of gametes (A, B and C) respectively.
(a) Heterogametes, isogametes, homogametes
(b) Isogametes, homogametes, heterogametes
(c) Homogametes, isogametes, heterogametes
(d) Homo/lsogametes, heterogametes, heterogametes
31. If a fungal thallus has both male and female reproductive structures, it will be called
(a) heterothallic (b) homothallic
(c) dioecious (d) monoecious.
32. Refer to the given figures of Marchantia and identify X and Y.
(a) Male Thallus Female Thallus
(b) Female Thallus Male Thallus
(c) Oogonium Antheridium
(d) Antheridium Oogonium
33. Read the following statement and select the correct option.
Statement 1: Unisexual flowers are either staminate flowers or pistillate flowers.
Statement 2: Both monoecious and dioecious plants have unisexual flowers.
(a) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.
(b) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect
(c) Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct.
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.
34. Which of the following groups is formed only of the hermaphrodite organisms?
(a) Earthworm, tapeworm, housefly, frog (b) Earthworm, tapeworm, sea horse, housefly
(c) Earthworm, leech, sponge, roundworm (d) Earthworm, tapeworm, leech, sponge
35. Figure P represents the reproductive organs of Chara plant and figure Q represents the reproductive organs of earthworm. Select the option which correctly identifies male reproductive organs of the two organisms.
(a) A and D (b) B and C
(c) A and C (d) B and D
36. Meiosis does not occur in
(a) asexually reproducing diploid individuals (b) sexually reproducing haploid individuals
(c) sexually reproducing diploid individuals (d) all of these.
37. Which of the following organisms has the highest number of chromosomes?
(a) Housefly (b) Butterfly
(c) Ophioglossum (d) Onion
38. In maize, a meiocyte has 20 chromosomes. What will be the number of chromosomes in its somatic cell?
(a) 40 (b) 30
(c) 20 (d) 10
39. Which of the following is an incorrect combination of organism with its chromosome number in meiocyte and in gamete?
40. In flowering plants, both male and female gametes are non-motile. The method to bring them together for fertilisation is
(a) water (b) air
(c) pollination (c) apomixis
41. Select the incorrect statement about external fertilisation.
(a) Organisms showing external fertilisation produce a large number of male gametes only.
(b) External fertilisation is very uncertain and requires synchrony between release of male and female gametes.
(c) It is replaced by internal fertilisation in higher organisms as it wastes energy and requires external medium like water.
(d) It occurs in most of the fishes and amphibians.
42. Following table summarises the differences between self-fertilisation and cross-fertilisation. Pick out the wrong difference.
Self-fertilisation Cross fertilisation
(a) It is uniparental. It is biparental.
(b) It involves the fusion of male and female It involves the fusion of two gametes
gametes of the same parent. produced by different parents.
(c) Examples: Pheretima, Periplaneta Examples: Taenia, Rana tigrina
(d) None of the above
43. Spirogyra is a sexually reproducing alga in which vegetative thallus is haploid. In Spirogyra, meiosis
(a) never occurs (b) occurs at time of gamete production
(c) occurs after fertilisation (d) occurs during vegetative growth.
44. Zygote of an organism developed after syngamy undergoes meiosis to form haploid spores, which divide mitotically and form the gametophyte. The organism must have life cycle.
(a) haplontic (b) diplontic
(c) haplodiplontic (d) either (a) or (c)
45. Life begin in all sexually reproducing organisms as a
(a) single-celled zygote (b) double-celled zygote
(c) haploid zygote (d) haploid gametes.
49. Read the following statements about embryogenesis and select the incorrect option.
(a) It is the process of development of embryo from zygote.
(b) During this process, zygote undergoes cell division and cell differentiation.
(c) Cell divisions decrease the number of cells in developing embryo.
(d) Cell differentiation helps groups of cells to undergo certain modification to form specialised tissues and organs.
47. Which of the following is not correct regarding sexual reproduction?
(a) It is usually biparental. (b) Gametes are always formed
(c) It is a slow process. (d) It involves only mitosis.
48. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding oviparous animals?
(a) Females lay fertilised/unfertilised eggs at a safe place.
(b) Development of zygote takes place outside the female’s body.
(c) Examples of oviparous animals are all birds, most reptiles and egg-laying mammals.
(d) None of these
49. Deposition of calcareous shell around zygote occurs in
(a) birds and reptiles (b) birds and mammals
(c) mammals d reptiles (d) all of these.
50. Refer to the transverse section of ovary of mustard plant. Identify X and Y in it.
(a) Seed Locule
(b) Pericarp Seed
(c) Seed Pericarp
(d) Placenta Seed
51. Offsets are produced by
(1) Meiotic divisions (2) Mitotic divisions
(3) Parthenogenesis (4) Parthenocarpy
52. Which of the following flowers only once in its life-time?
(1) Bamboo species (2) Jackfruit
(3) Papaya (4) Mango
53. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(1) Offspring produced by the asexual reproduction are called clone
(2) Microscopic, motile asexual reproductive structures are called zoospores
(3) In potato, banana and ginger, the plantlets arise from the internodes present in the modified stem
(4) Water hyacinth, growing in the standing water, drains oxygen from water that leads to the death of fishes
54. Which one of the following generates new genetic combinations leading to variation?
(1) Vegetative reproduction (2) Parthenogenesis
(3) Sexual reproduction (4) Nucellar polyembryony
55. Which one of the following is wrong about Chara?
(1) Upper oogonium and lower round antheridium (2) Globule and nucule present on the same plant
(3) Upper antheridium and lower oogonium (4) Globule is male reproductive structure
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