Who, amongst the following, has been called ‘The Darwin of the 20th Century’? Ernst Haeckel Ernst Hemingway Ernst Mayr Ernst ChainRead More…
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Who, amongst the following, has been called ‘The Darwin of the 20th Century’? Ernst Haeckel Ernst Hemingway Ernst Mayr Ernst ChainRead More…
MCQ Respiration in Plants 1. Respiratory substrates are the organic substances which are ________ during respiration to liberate Read More…
EXERCISE-2 MCQ on Mendelism Gregor Johan Mendel 1.Two allelic genes are located on :(1) The same chromosome(2) Two homologous chromosomes(Read More…
EXERCISE(MCQ)-I Pisum Sativum MCQ on MENDELISM MCQ on MENDELISM MCQ on MENDELISM 1.Mendel formulated the law of purity of gametes on the Read More…
The Living World:- PLANT DIVERSITY MCQ EXERCISE-1 Eklabhya The living world :- Plant Diversity [ NOMENCLATURE & CLASSIFICATION ] Read More…